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How to Make Classroom Games with Easy, Awesome Educaplay


Sixteen types of games, Google Classroom and LMS compatibility and auto-grading

From the Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis

Follow @coolcatteacher on Twitter

This week, I began using Educaplay to make fun classroom learning games for my students. In addition to easy game creation, sending the games to Google Classroom was easy, as was student work, automatic grading, and engagement. Many of us who have been teaching online need some variety. Presently, the site has many different types of activities and games: memory games, video quizzes, crossword puzzles, word search, fill in the blanks, diagram completion (they call these map quizzes), quizzes, word search, and more.16 ways to make classroom games with educaplay

Additionally, activities I’ve not seen anywhere else that are particularly customized to language and ESL teachers like dialogue games and dictation games. In this blog post, I’ll share what I’ve learned about Educaplay, my classroom experiences, and recommendations for how you can use these activities and games in your classroom, as well as the subject areas I recommend for each type of game.

European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)Post financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). A way of making Europe. All opinions are my own.


Index of subjects and games on educaplay

Educaplay currently has sixteen types of games and activities you can create. I will give you recommendations about the classroom uses of each type of game and show you examples.

Tip #1: Dig into the Pre-made Games

First, my biggest recommendation is to use the “area of knowledge in each type of game and click on your subject area. You’ll then see many topics you may be trying to teach and can look at ideas and suggestions.

Tip #2: Skip to 47 seconds on the Tutorial Videos

Additionally, when you launch a type of classroom games that you’ve not built before, Educaplay will share a short tutorial video to help you create that type of activity. Because the videos begin with how to set up an Educaplay account, I recommend that you skip to 47 seconds by dragging the slider bar so you can get directly to how to create the specific classroom learning game.

1. ABC Games: For Comprehensive Vocabulary

This type of classroom game requires quite a few items because it goes through the alphabet to test knowledge. For example, in the Flags of Countries ABC game, you see a flag for a country that letter of the alphabet, and you have to spell it and type it correctly. There are games with capitals of countries, Spanish vocabulary, Skeletons, and other comprehensive topics where there are many choices. See the full database.

Tip #3: Use ABC Games for Comprehensive Review

ABC Games make excellent comprehensive reviews for students who can already type.

Tip #4: Create a Word Bank in Educaplay Assignments

Additionally, I recommend having words from a chapter or section of your book for those who need a word bank. This week, I put my word bank in the description in my Google Classroom assignment. Use word banks for all of the Educaplay games unless you can point students to a word bank in your textbook or another printed resource.

ABC classroom games from Educaplay are perfect for comprehensive review

ABC classroom games from Educaplay are perfect for a comprehensive review

2. Crossword Puzzle Games

In this activity, you create a traditional crossword puzzle with clues. In this case, words from the book or handouts words can be helpful since the word bank does not appear on the page.  Review of vocabulary as well as the spelling of words with this activity. Students can show letters to receive hints. I’ve noticed quite a few crosswords for the Spanish language, but there are crossword puzzles for many topics at Educaplay.

This week, I created a quick review crossword puzzle of the conversations we had in Zoom about technology change, types of interfaces, input, output, and processing devices. Then, I sent it Google Classroom using the share button. As students completed the activity, they clicked the “check” button at the bottom, and the activity was graded and sent to Google Classroom.

Tip #5: Teach Students to Use the Word Bank Beside the Activity

With Tip 3 in mind of creating a word bank, I had students put the word bank beside the activity on the right. This helped them get the work done more quickly.

Tip #6: Make Sure Students Click the “Check” Button

To ensure that grades travel from Educaplay to Google Classroom, students must click the “Check” button at the activity’s bottom. I saw two students complete the crossword puzzle and close the browser tab without clicking “check.” These two students had to redo the work so that the grade would travel from Educaplay into Google Classroom.

Crossword puzzle with the word bank side by side

This screenshot shows how this student used the word bank in Google Classroom beside the crossword puzzle on the right. Additionally, the “Check” button in bright orange at the bottom is important to point out to students because this button triggers Educaplay to send the final grade into Google Classroom. Any time you want to supplement classroom games with other materials, this split-pane view is a must-use on devices of all kinds.

3. Dialog Games

Dialog games are another excellent resource for language and ESL teachers. Students can play the dialog and listen to the conversation. They can mute the conversation and say it themselves. Since you have to write the dialog and record the audio, and upload it, I also recommend that students make dialog games to share with the teacher and one another.

There is a nice repository of conversations for language teachers, particularly Spanish.

Tip #7: Use Dialog Games to Help Students Practice Conversations When Learning Language

Dialogs are a great way for students to practice to prepare to have a conversation with their teacher. I’ve not seen anything like this activity, and it should be a handy tool for those learning languages. Students could even make these to create more classroom games for conversational practice.

Dialog Games on Educaplay - a game for language teachers

Dialog games show the text and can also play audio. Dialog games are an excellent way to practice conversations as students learn a new language or have conversations.

4. Dictation Games

In dictation games, students listen to the words and have to type what they hear. The teacher can set requirements for capitalization, accents, and other settings. You will type the words exactly as you want them entered and record the audio. This is fantastic not only for language learners but for spelling practice. Students can hear how you pronounce the word and have it checked as they practice.  The majority of games at this point are languages, but I think that any topic requiring practice — even keyboarding or spelling dictation would be helpful.

Tip #8: Create Games to Encourage Student Practice

As a Mom who often had to call out spelling tests, I think this is a fantastic way for students to practice before the test. To support parents and student review, I suggest making games for spelling words or language practice and post them to your Learning Management System (LMS) for review. Parents (and students) will appreciate it!

Dictation Games on Educaplay are great for spelling practice

5. Fill in the Blanks Games

I particularly like the fill in the blanks games because they have word banks. In addition to vocabulary, I see memorization of songs, Bible verses, and other topics facilitated in the fill in the blanks games. As many students are at home, this can also provide immediate feedback if the teacher has the key as students practice and prepare. 

Tip #9: Automatically Grade Fill In the Blanks

In light of needing to automate grading, using this game to grade automatically can save teachers’ time. In this case, if students are at home and perhaps not coming to Zoom or not accessing answer keys, this is a simple way to have students complete their work with a word bank and provide immediate feedback to students on the accuracy of their work.

Tip #10: Encourage Students to Memorize Music, Passages, and More

As many music teachers struggle to create performances and activities without having a lot of face to face time with students, Fill in the Blanks can help with memorization. Those teachers also having Scripture memory or memorization of passages like the Preamble of the Constitution or other important documents, Fill in the Blanks, will save time and encourage memorization even when time is short.

fill in the blanks games on Educaplay

Fill in the blanks games on Educaplay takes words from a word bank and students can drag them into the passage. This is an excellent way to automatically grade Fill in the Blanks activities for students, from memorizing words or songs to chapter reviews.

6. Map Games: For Science and Geography Teachers (and More)

Don’t let the term “map” fool you. As shown in the graphic below, any graphic where a student needs to identify the parts — from biology to places on a map, map games let you do that. While some teachers have made their map games where students remember and type in words directly (like the honors version of this heart graphic), the guided “click” request is also a powerful feature of this tool. This will be a favorite tool of Geography teachers and science teachers and certainly, many maps are already created for both of these topics. Fantastic resources!

Tip #11: Use Geography and Biology Diagrams Already Created For You

When you click on the map game index, look on the left side to click on your subject and find “maps” or graphics that you can use in your topics. There are even technology and sociology map games you can use.

Map Games let you use maps or diagrams and grade the results.

Map Games let you use maps or diagrams and grade the results. Map games are perfect for geography, science, or any subject with diagrams or maps to grade. The automatic grading feature will save time for teachers who have diagrams that need to be assessed and marked.

7. Matching Columns Games

While any subjects can use these games, there are many matching columns games already made for kindergarten teachers as you help students understand sounds and learn to read, like the “Qu” matching columns game shown below.

Tip #12: Use Matching Column Games to Reinforce Letters and Letter Sounds

The matching column resources are perfect for kindergarten and lower elementary teachers working with phonetic sounds and word recognition. Many games are already made for teachers, so search for a letter or letter sound before making your own.

A Column matching game on educaplay for Qu

A Column matching game on Educaplay for Qu demonstrates how younger students can effectively use this tool inside whatever Learning Management System (LMS) you’re using with distance, hybrid, or face to face learning.

8. Matching Game

In the Matching Game, students categorize things by selecting items that belong to the category. For example, in the “Zones of Regulation” vocabulary (shown below), students select emotions that go with different zones. Science matching games have students select parts of different systems, homeostasis and water principles, and more.

Tip #13: Use Matching Games to Review the Categorization of Items

As shown in the graphic, when students have to recall items’ categorization, matching games are perfect. I’m going to use it this week to review the input, output, and processing devices. I also like that it can be set to review categorization lists after the work is completed.

Matching categories of zones of regulation using Educaplay.

Matching categories of zones of regulation using Educaplay.

9. Memory Game

The traditional memory game has been used to help students remember and match items. These games also can already have cards flipped over, or they can be hidden from students. Admittedly, memory games have never been my favorite; hundreds of games have been created for math, art, and biology subjects and over 3,000 games for languages. I also like the PE teacher who had students match muscles with exercises and then encouraged them to do the exercise after completing the match.

Tip #14: Use Sound, Pictures, and Words to Make Games More Useful

In addition to text, most Educaplay games (like the Memory game) can use pictures and audio. Audio can be prerecorded or recorded and uploaded inside the game. (Remember to click the “upload” button after recording your audio.) The matching games that include text and audio are useful but push the memory a little further, so you might want to have cards already flipped over and not hidden when you use audio files.

A memory game from Educaplay with cards already turned over

In this example, the memory cards are already flipped over and use audio files. If you use audio, I recommend having cards already flipped. However, either method can be used successfully depending on what you’re trying to teach and assess.

10. Quiz

Quizzes can be created with videos, audio, text, and images. Students can also answer multiple-choice, single line answers, or multi-line answers, as shown in the “add a question” dialog box.

Tip #15: Use Multimedia to Automate Quizzes Remotely

For example, if a teacher has a spelling test to give, the teacher could record a teacher calling out the word and explaining it. Additionally, teachers can ask questions orally to make understanding each question easier. Consider multimedia, audio, and images in addition to text-based questions.

Quiz question setup for Educaplay quizzes.

Quiz question setup for Educaplay quizzes shows the options for each question.

Tip #16: Create a Question Set, So Each Quiz Is Different

While configuring the quiz, a teacher can create a full bank of questions and have the computer select a certain number of test questions. Additionally, the order can be randomized. Remember, also, to establish if the case makes a difference or not. Remember to set whether the activity can be restarted and what text will be shown when passing the activity. I also recommend turning off anonymous mode for taking the quiz/ test.

Tip #17: Give a Practice Quiz and Observe Student Work to Better Understand the Features

As soon as I introduce a new tool to my students, I create a “beta testing” class for the app or tool. Therefore, before you use this tool for an “official” quiz, I recommend having a group of students practice the quiz in class to give you feedback and see how things work as students take the quiz and test. If this is not an option for you, you should take the quiz yourself to understand how it will work. After creating your first quiz and understanding it, you should be ready to move forward with assessments using this tool.

Educaplay quiz options

The Educaplay quiz options show features that allow quizzes to be randomized and different from one another and prevent the anonymous taking of the quiz. If you’re going to use Educaplay for quizzes, I recommend understanding these settings.

11. Riddle

Sometimes a fun riddle is a great way to start class. Educaplay can give clues in the form of questions and reveal more of an image each time a clue is given.

Tip #18: Use Riddles as Fun Ways to Begin or End Class with a “Check” Grade

If you have a major concept or topic, you can have a riddle for the class. I like that you can add images to the riddle, which aids in recall. I don’t necessarily recommend grading these, but I prefer to use them as a work ethic grade or “check” grade if a student completes the activity. In this case, I let it auto-grade and go to Google Classroom, but then override the grade in Google Classroom so those who complete it receive a 100. This is just my personal preference.

Educaplay Riddle with an image

Riddles can ask questions but also have a riddle image that is revealed as students receive more clues. This is a great way to introduce a conversation about a topic or have a bell ringer at the beginning of class.

12. Slideshow

In this activity, students are given content to review in a slide show format. Questions can be shared on the screen, and then answers should be shown on the next slide. While this doesn’t check the answers for students, it does let students review and self-check work. Additionally, since slide creation may be easier, you could embed Google Slides or other activities on the slideshow.

This does, however, allow you to add audio and other multimedia to your slides. This is a simple way to share slides that might be usable for those who do not have access to Google Slides or PowerPoint.

Tip #19: See What is Already Created

To save time, search for slideshows on your topic. For example, this slide show on how to read population pyramids is useful. I recommend searching Educaplay when you have content to teach.  If you find a pre-made slide show, you can easily share it using a code or send it directly to Google Classroom or your Learning Management System.

Slideshows in Educaplay explain a topic.

Slideshows in Educaplay explain a topic. With more than 27,000 slide shows, remember to search their website to find resources that you can use to teach your class.

13. Unscramble Letters Game

In this activity, students unscramble the letters for a topic. Note that this is unscrambling just one word, so it would be useful as a ticket to leave or enter. Students can fill in the words by typing them, dragging them, or clicking them in. Again, audio, pictures, and images can be used.

Use the Educaplay letter scramble to review words that are giving students trouble. This is another great ticket to enter or ticket to leave activity.

Use the Educaplay letter scramble to review words that are giving students trouble. This is another great ticket to enter or ticket to leave activity.

Tip #20: Use the Unscramble Word Game As a Follow Up to the Dictation Game

As teachers know, formative assessment helps us review areas where students are struggling. As a result of the dictation game shown above, a teacher can select the word that gives students the most problem and make an unscramble word game to start class the next day. Since you have only one word, select problematic words to quickly review.

14. Unscramble Words Game

This is another great one for a ticket to leave or a ticket to enter, as you will unscramble and put a sentence together, making it perfect for the next step of memorization.

Tip #21: Use the Unscramble Words Game After Fill In the Blanks

As the next step from filling in the blanks, have students complete everything in a passage or sentence using the Unscramble Words Game. These two types of games make a nice progression from memorizing some words to complete passage memorization.

Educaplay Word Order Game

The Educaplay word order game can be used to put things in order like this rainbow game or to review memorized passages.

15. Video Quiz

In the video quiz, you can import videos and insert questions throughout the video. This simple tool ensures that students understand what they are viewing and they have options to answer. If you watch this video, “How to Talk to Anyone with Ease and Confidence,” you can see how questions are inserted to assess learning and point out essential items in the video. This ensures not only that the video is watched but that students understand what they are learning. This might be a great option for some teachers who don’t have access to other tools that provide this feature.

Tip #22: Try to Select Videos Without Pop Up Ads

Try to select videos that don’t display annoying pop-up ads. Or, if you do, make sure students know how to remove the ads.

Tip #23: If You Want to Allow Retakes

If you allow a student to redo videos, this tool has a feature that other tools I’ve tested don’t have; you can click on the question number and go straight to the questions. While this is not something I would show students immediately, it is a handy feature if a student needs to review a portion of the video. They can also more quickly redo the questions to improve their grade.

Educaplay video quiz

The video quiz option for Educaplay can fast forward directly to questions, which can allow students to redo work if necessary. I recommend assessing inside videos to ensure student understanding.

16. Word Search Puzzle

The Word Search Puzzle makes typical word search classroom games. I like that you can show words to aid in finding the words. I also like that it creates the words for you and gives you the option to display the grid’s words.

Word Search Puzzle settings for words

When configuring the Word Search Puzzle, you can set the directions for words to make it more challenging or easier. I do recommend “show words” to give options for students to find their words. This is like a word bank but only shows the words one at a time.

Tip #24: Turn on “Show Words” in the Word Puzzle

I recommend allowing “show words” as an option to embed the word bank inside the puzzle.

Educaplay in Review

In conclusion, Educaplay is a versatile, easy-to-use site to make a variety of classroom games. It gives you many options for reviewing content that is quickly graded. Just remember that these can be formative and summative tools. Every time you have a grade, it doesn’t mean you have to put the number in the grade book. Short riddles, word scrambles, crossword puzzles, and the other ideas in this post also add variety that fights boredom.

Tip #25: Power Up Your Formative Feedback

Remember to take the feedback from tools like these to inform your teaching and adjust. While the games do give some feedback, if I see patterns where students struggle, I adjust my teaching for the next day.

In Conclusion

This, as well as the time savings of automatic grading, make Educaplay a must-use site for teachers to save time and add more interesting classroom games and activities for students.

Disclosure of Material Connection: This is a “sponsored blog post” The company who sponsored it compensated me via a cash payment, gift, or something else of value to include a reference to their product. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I believe will be good for my readers and are from companies I can recommend. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

The post How to Make Classroom Games with Easy, Awesome Educaplay appeared first on Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis @coolcatteacher helping educators be excellent every day. Meow!

Google Jamboard with Tom Mullaney


From the Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis

Follow @coolcatteacher on Twitter

One of the most popular shows of 2018 was with Tom Mullaney on Google Jamboard so we've updated it for 2021! In this show, Tom shows us how teachers are using Google Jamboard, why it is so popular, and how you can use it to teach. Let's Jam!

google jamboard hot tips with tom mullaney (1)

Sponsor:  It’s a new year and time to plan your professional development with Advancement Courses. They offer over 280 online graduate-level PD courses in 20 subject areas. They are online and self-paced, so you can take them anywhere, any time with up to six months to complete. Receive graduate credit through CAEP and regionally accredited university partners or for continuing education units that meet your state requirements. And right now, you can save 20% off each course with the code COOL20 — that’s just $120 per graduate credit hour or $160 for 50 clock hours. Go to advancementcourses.com/coolcat  and use the coupon code COOL20. 

Google Jamboard 2021 – Hot Tips with Tom Mullaney


NOTE: I also recommend the Teachers Using Jamboards Group on Facebook

Subscribe to the Show

Get Credit! Some schools, districts, and organizations allow credit for listening to podcasts. Whether they do or don’t, to get the most out of listening you can use this Podcast PD Template Hyperdoc. Just make a copy and adapt it for your use or print it. If you don’t have Google Docs, just use this PDF.

Tom Mullaney – Bio As Submitted

Tom Mullaney Google JamboardTom Mullaney is a Digital Learning Integration Designer for the San Francisco Unified School District. Tom’s education experience includes Special Education, Social Studies, and educational technology coaching in New York, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina. He is a Google for Education Certified Innovator and Trainer. Tom hosts the Sustainable Teaching Podcast where he interviews teachers about their careers and passions. Connect with him on Twitter, @TomEMullaney.

Blog: https://tommullaney.com/

Disclosure of Material Connection: This is a “sponsored podcast episode.” The company who sponsored it compensated me via cash payment, gift, or something else of value to include a reference to their product. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I believe will be good for my readers and are from companies I can recommend. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

The post Google Jamboard with Tom Mullaney appeared first on Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis @coolcatteacher helping educators be excellent every day. Meow!

5 Awesome New Screencastify Features


From the Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis

Follow @coolcatteacher on Twitter

Screencastify is more than a screencasting tool. You can now screencast, edit, quiz, see student analytics, get feedback, and more using Screencastify. In this post, I’ll share some of the new features in Screencastify and how I’ve used it in my classroom. Note that Screencastify has been one of my favorite formative assessment tools since 2018 when I wrote 10 Ways to Use Screencasting for Formative Assessment. As I review that article, all of the formative abilities from history to math and every subject are still there but now you have more making Screencastify an essential blended learning and flipped classroom tool that is easy and fast.

awesome new screencastify features

Screencastify has some awesome new editing features making it an even more important part of the flipped or online classroom. This post takes a dive into five new features of Screencastify every educator should know.

Screencastify sponsored this blog post. All opinions are my own.

1. Fast Screencasting and Editing on the Fly

Many years ago, I used Office Mix which was part of PowerPoint. When that tool went away, I’ve bounced between many of the different tools and apps out there. As Screencastify continues to add features, I find myself going back to Screencastify even more.

In the How to Start Coding in HTML (below) I used to kick off this basic coding language to my students, I used Screencastify. These videos were shot at different times but I was able to edit them together.


The screencast videos now have an “Open in Editor” button that let you edit, crop, cut, or even blur out backgrounds or add text. (This is in addition to the on-the-fly editing, drawing, and annotation tools you can use while recording.)

A picture of the new Screencastify with an open in editor button

Videos that you shoot in Screencastify now have an “open in editor” button that allows you to edit the screencasts. You can merge screencasts together, clip, crop, and more.

2. Record on Multiple Devices and Pull Video Together Quickly

Because we are BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) I have students on PC, Mac, and Chromebook and now I’m able to record screencasts on each of them and easily stitch them together in my web browser.

Once a video is open in the editor, other videos can easily be added from Google Drive or uploaded to add into the video, so I can literally screencast from my Chromebook, PC, and Mac and pull them together into a quick video all using my web browser on each device!

In the new Screencastify Editing webcam video and screencasts together is easy.

In Screencastify, you can quickly and easily edit together webcam video and screencasts filmed on PC, Mac, or Chromebook into one video making video creation easy and fast no matter the tool.

3. Add Interactive Questions to the Final Video

Once the video is complete, I can export it to Screencastify, download the video, or put it on Youtube or even my Google Drive in Google Classroom. However, if I have the video inside Screencastify (which I can embed and link anywhere) it gives me analytics on who is viewing the video and I can also add questions into the video at various assessment points. 

A picture of the Screencastify quiz question adding tool.

Inside the Screencastify platform, you can now add quick questions to assess for understanding when hosted on the Screencastify platform.

4. Multiple Methods of Sharing

The QR Code feature is still available but now when it is used and you share your video on Google Classroom, through Wakelet, email, or on Remind, it points to the video on the Screencastify site so you can ask questions and measure analytics.

You can still publish to Edpuzzle or have the embedded video point to your video on Google Drive, so those features remain available as well as exporting to YouTube.

5. Measurement of Video Watching and Use

Inside the video analytics dashboard inside Screencastify, you can see who is watching your videos and how they are engaged with the content. It gives you deeper information into how the videos you’re creating are performing.

Screencastify is Easy and Awesome!

I continue to have my students download Screencastify during the first week of school. It is also one of the first tools I teach teachers. It is a simple, fantastic tool that should be in every educator and learner toolkit. These new features make it an even more powerful way to teach and share videos in a time when we are continuing to need quick and easy ways to share our screens and create content.

For me, if I have a student out and they are not available on Zoom, I can quickly bring up Screencastify and record what we’re doing that day and send it to them as a video. Now I can know the video sare reaching their intended student and if they are meeting their needs.

What a fantastic tool!

​​Disclosure of Material Connection: This is a “sponsored blog post.” The company who sponsored it compensated me via cash payment, gift, or something else of value to include a reference to their product. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I believe will be good for my readers and are from companies I can recommend. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”e

The post 5 Awesome New Screencastify Features appeared first on Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis @coolcatteacher helping educators be excellent every day. Meow!

21 Top Professional Development Topics For Teachers Now


From the Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis

Follow @coolcatteacher on Twitter

Any time we have a break, educators need to get some rest so that we can be our best. However, our professional accreditation requirements are still on track and need to be renewed, as we have to learn and up our abilities. As I look to listen to educators, here are 21 hot topics that I think we should consider including in our personal PD. They fit into the categories of SEL, digital instruction, engagement/management, and leadership. 

21 top professional development (1)

Advancement Courses

Advancement Courses sponsored this blog post. All opinions are my own. If you enroll in any of the courses mentioned in this post, use the code cool15 to receive 20% off of your course. Search Courses Now or see my recommendations below.


Disclosure of Material Connection: This is a “sponsored blog post.” The company who sponsored it compensated me via cash payment, gift, or something else of value to include a reference to their product. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I believe will be good for my readers and are from companies I can recommend. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Plan Professional Development with Intentionality

Recently, while discussing the next steps for schools this fall with two instructional designers in the webinar “10 Ways to Move Learning Forward”, we identified ten considerations for school. (I’ve embedded the webinar below for you to review.) Many of the topics below were part of that conversation, including Social Emotional Learning (SEL)

As a result of this webinar and some research of my own, I compiled this list which I hope will serve as a quick menu for you and the teachers at your school to select summer professional development that will help you grow and learn. I've also included courses from this blog post sponsor, Advancement Courses that meet the criteria for each topic.

Social-Emotional Learning

Social-emotional learning (SEL) is right at the top of the list for many of us. We have to relate to educate. To better relate, we have to understand where students are emotionally so that we can connect with them, get them any extra help they might need, and move them forward.

SEL isn’t about manipulation it’s about human connection; and of all the things we need to do, connecting with one another and regulating ourselves emotionally is right at the top of the list. Let's look at some areas we can all improve.

1. Student Mental Health (Including Anxiety and Depression)

Understanding mental health is more important than ever. Recently, I had to educate myself on the current trends in helping students who are anxious, depressed, worried, or just need guidance about the future. 

Research note: As Wall (2021) indicates, there is a definite connection between trauma and student behavior as well as student learning. In her qualitative study, she found that when schools meet this challenge head-on, student achievement increased and behavioral challenges decreased. (WALL, C. R. G. (2021). RELATIONSHIP OVER REPROACH: FOSTERING RESILIENCE BY EMBRACING A TRAUMA-INFORMED APPROACH TO ELEMENTARY EDUCATION. JOURNAL OF AGGRESSION, MALTREATMENT & TRAUMA, 30(1), 118-137.)

Understanding student mental health can also help us with others who we meet in our world today. Students need us to understand them so we can teach them. These courses will give you a start.

Courses about Student Mental Health

Strategies for Addressing Student Anxiety – With the strategies and interventions you learn in this course, you will be able to create a classroom environment where students can successfully cope with stressors and instead focus on learning.

Helping Children Overcome Depression – Using the resources and strategies from this course, you will be able to support your students struggling with depression to help them redirect their thinking and pursue academic success in spite of the challenges they’re facing.


2. How to Reach Students Who Have Experienced Trauma

You nor I can know or understand what children have experienced in this time of challenge and upheaval. So, we have to learn how to reach and teach students who have experienced trauma. We don’t need to know what it is, but we do need to recognize that the trauma is there. In my experience, I’ve found that assuming that students have experienced trauma of some kind is more likely than assuming that they haven’t.

Helping Students Overcome Trauma – In this course, you will explore the different types of trauma and how they affect students’ behavior and academic performance. You’ll learn how to identify conditions such as PTSD and how to help students through natural and healthy grieving processes. In addition, you’ll explore strategies for proactively coping with trauma, including creating student-led support groups and peer counseling programs, getting students involved with community outreach programs, and partnering with local and national organizations focused on processing trauma. With the resources and techniques from this course, you will be equipped to create a program that helps your students heal and thrive in spite of life’s hardest griefs and tragedies.

3. How to Connect to Students and Understand Their Emotions (SEL)

Teachers around the world are using mood check-ins, emotional temp checks, and other methods for connecting. Even when connecting at a distance instead of in person, we can all benefit from learning some skills to connect with students on an emotional level, even while delivering classroom instruction.

SEL Courses

Assessment Strategies for SEL – In this course, you’ll get up to speed on current practices in SEL, including the history and legislation that has propelled it to the forefront of our educational focus. You’ll explore emotional intelligence models and various methods for collecting data, so you’ll be equipped to decide which instruments are right for your school or district to measure SEL growth. In addition, you’ll create practical tools such as rubrics for teacher observation, surveys for self-assessment reports, and data collection checklists and notes for interviews. Finally, you’ll choose your last lesson to either explore the long-term economic and social value of SEL instruction so you can encourage your school or district to invest in this important movement or discover the ways you can easily implement SEL instruction and assessment into your current routine. 

Creating Meaningful Relationships and Setting Boundaries with your Students In this course, you will examine the fundamental strategies involved in building meaningful relationships and setting boundaries with your students. You’ll learn foundational concepts of interpersonal relationships, learner-centered instruction, the role of the teacher as a facilitator and advisor, the impact of the learning environment on the development of meaningful relationships, authentic learning, and inquiry-based teaching. In addition, you’ll cultivate techniques for establishing good rapport while maintaining healthy boundaries, even with hard-to-reach students.

4. Engaging Students Online Who Are Experiencing Anxiety

Some students are not yet ready or cannot return to in-person learning. It can be more challenging to engage these students online. Skills for online engagement with students who are experiencing anxiety (and trauma) can be especially helpful for educators struggling with student disengagement in online classrooms.

Student Anxiety in Online Learning – In this course, you’ll analyze anxiety brought about by technology immersion as an overactive fight–flight–freeze survival response. Based on information systems research, you’ll explore the concept of “technostress” and its triggers, how to spot it in your students, and how it impacts learning. You’ll examine common mistakes in addressing anxiety, as well as how to work with parents to help students through technostress and when to reach out for additional help. Finally, you’ll learn traditional best practices and digital solutions available to students to offset some of the anxiety they’re experiencing.  

5. Better Relating to Parents

Now more than ever, parents and teachers need closer partnerships if we’re going to help children. However, how do educators relate to parents, as many parents have also experienced trauma? Developing and improving parent communication plans and understanding how to better connect with parents will help educators help students even more, particularly if those students are learning from home.

Courses About Improving Parent Relationships

Partnering with Parents for Student Success – According to Dr. Susan M. Sheridan (n.d.), “Research shows that when a partnership approach between parents and teachers is evident, children’s work habits, attitudes about school and grades improve. They demonstrate better social skills, fewer behavioral problems and a greater ability to adapt to situations and get along.”  As educators, we want what’s best for our students! It is our job to establish, foster, and maintain productive relationships with parents so that our students can be successful.

Forming Community Partnerships to Access Educational Resources – In this course for school leaders, you will explore methods for seeking out and partnering with community members to gain a variety of resources for your school. You’ll learn from other school leaders who have successfully built a network of contacts and resources, and develop strategies to help you do the same in your community. In addition, you’ll learn how to create a well-balanced presentation of your schools’ current needs to energize community members to get involved. 
By the end of the course, you’ll have a practical plan to drive more educational opportunities for your students through the power of community partnerships. 

6. Self-Care for Educators

Teachers have to rest to be their best. Additionally, educators have to be healthy and whole in order to rise to the monumental tasks laid upon them in classrooms today. We must learn to have good health and wellness so we can be better classroom teachers tomorrow. If your school lets you take such a course, I think most of us would benefit.

Self Care Courses

Achieving Work-Life Harmony in Teaching – During the course, you will develop strategies and practices to apply immediately in your practices as you assess your stress and its causes, as well as implementing new rituals and routines that ease distress through understanding the concept of resilience.

Self Care Strategies for Teachers – You will learn techniques for how to stop absorbing stressors, manage challenging situations, build long-term self-care strategies for all areas of your life, and track your progress through a series of somatic and emotional self-evaluations. This course gives you the opportunity to invest in yourself so you can build a more grounded, inspired, and sustainable career in education.

7. Home/School Life Balance Strategies

When school and online learning follow you everywhere, teachers and students need to learn balance. Additionally, as students are completing instruction and asking questions 24/7, educators need to know how to balance and set healthy boundaries to continue teaching effectively in the long term. If more educators cannot establish firm home/school life balance strategies, then I sadly predict that we will see many more incredible educators leave the profession.

Work and Life Balance Courses

Creating Work-Life Harmony in Teaching – Using the techniques from this course, you’ll be able to create a personalized set of practices that will help you maximize what’s most important in your personal and professional life.

Becoming a Calm, Happy Teacher – The techniques will help you create more life balance so that you can cultivate more well-being for yourself and your classroom. The strategies will not only help you be more engaged, present, and fulfilled as a teacher, but you’ll also apply your learning to your classroom and your students.

Online and Digital Instruction

As we work to instruct students in blended learning and online classrooms, we should continue to update our abilities to instruct students in digital spaces.

8. Online Instructional Engagement

Students are ghosting. In fact, sometimes students who turn on their cameras are the exception. How can teachers engage students when they cannot require students to turn on their camera? How can teachers in classrooms engage students in the digital platforms used to supplement and personalize learning? These are the questions of the hour right now for educators everywhere.

Courses to Improve Online Engagement

Engaging Students in Online Learning – Using the tools from this course, you’ll be able to plan fun and interesting online instruction that meets a variety of learning needs. 

Fostering Student Interaction in Online Learning – Using the best practices from this course, you will be able to help increase student-to-student engagement and foster a greater love of learning.

9. Online Assessment

Assessment must respect learners, provide actionable feedback, and motivate. Sometimes this feels like a Herculean task, but there are best practices to help all of us get better at assessment. When you take time to improve assessment, students can improve their learning.

Courses About Online Assessment

Jumpstarting Online Assessments – By incorporating dynamic, engaging online assessment into your class, you will be able to help your students navigate the online learning space and achieve the same standards as a face-to-face classroom. 

Designing Online Assessments for Students – Using the techniques from this course, you’ll be able to incorporate online assessments in your class in a way that makes sense for your context and that will help your students learn and grow on a deeper level.

10. Student Accountability in Online Learning

How can educators hold students accountable while still respecting individual family situations? Student accountability is a hot topic this year, but it’s not a new topic. Best practices already exist for holding students accountable in a way that motivates them. We can all improve in this area.

Student Accountability in Online Learning – In this course, you’ll learn to harness the power of authentic learning experiences to help students see how their learning is meaningful and connected to the real world. You’ll learn the importance of developing students’ executive functioning skills to foster independent learning and investigate ways to create classroom spaces and curricula that are inviting and engaging. In addition, you’ll explore ways to get families involved and build support systems that empower students to learn. 
Finally, you’ll assess your school and classroom practices to ensure they are equitable for all learners, and that they motivate students to achieve their highest potential. Using the techniques from this course, you’ll be able to put students in the driver’s seat by teaching them to manage, measure, and be excited about their own learning. 

11. Education Technology Accessibility for All Students

Many technology tools require teacher customization in order for all students to access the content. Additionally, other tools limit the accessibility for those who learn differently or have physical challenges. Accessibility is another hot topic that also relates to equity and inclusion in the digital classroom. We all must improve the accessibility of our digital content.

Courses About How to Make EdTech Accessible

Accessibility in the Digital Classroom – By the end of this course, you’ll have the knowledge and tools you need to create or modify digital learning materials to be more accessible to all students

Equity in the Digital Classroom – By the end of this course, you’ll have a roadmap for how to avoid the pitfalls of online learning and plan an equitable learning experience for all your students. 

12. Fun Learning Strategies for Engaging Students Who Have Been Disengaged (Game-based Learning)

We can play games and learn with digital games and activities that engage learners in the face-to-face and online classrooms. Level up and have fun while learning with courses that help you improve your ability to play games, learn, and teach at the same time.

Game-Based Learning

Let’s Play! Creating a Playful Classroom – Using techniques from this course, you will transform your classroom into one that is meaningful, relevant, and most of all, fun!

Level Up! Student Achievement Through Gamification and Game-Based Learning – By the end of this course, you will be equipped with strategies for creating and selecting educational games that are best suited for your content, your grade level, and your students’ unique interests and needs.


Topics for Every Classroom: Online and Face-to-Face

13. How to Help Students Who Have Been Disengaged by Learning Gaps

Learning gaps are the hot topic of the moment as schools and teachers wrestle with the reality that some students will return to school behind by a whole grade level — or more. What does a teacher do when a student isn’t even on the first page of this year’s textbook? The traditional problems of helping students who are behind is magnified by the struggles with student engagement during the pandemic. Helping students progress quickly is the challenge facing schools everywhere.

Summer Learning Strategies: Combatting the Summer Slide — This course offers tools that teachers can quickly and easily implement so that their summer learning suggestions are ready to go long before the end of the year nears. During the course, you’ll learn how to increase motivation through student choice and get parents involved so they can support student learning even in the midst of summer travel and vacation plans. You’ll also see how you can set up e-mail templates so you can stay in touch with students and parents without having to compose e-mails over the summer. 

14. Reaching Every Student Through Differentiation.

If teachers continue to use the same approach for every student, some learners will disengage. Differentiated instruction is one of my favorite methods to help students learn and engage with content as I use technology. This topic will benefit teachers in face-to-face and online classrooms everywhere.

Differentiated Instruction – In this course, you will master the skills necessary to effectively differentiate instruction for optimal achievement by all students. You will learn how to identify individual students’ needs and learning styles, and create activities and tiered lessons that will meet those needs. You will cultivate different strategies for grouping students, arranging your classroom, and using cognitive approaches that help students take ownership of their learning.

15. Equity and Inclusion

Including and engaging all students is vital to helping every child thrive. Courses in cultural sensitivity and inclusion can help educators everywhere bring everyone into the learning.

Courses on Equity and Inclusion

Fostering Cultural Awareness and Inclusivity in the Classroom – After participating in this course, you’ll be able to approach instruction with an awareness of your own biases and will be more adept at fostering inclusion and better meeting the needs of your learners. 

Implementing Culturally Responsive Teaching Strategies – Whether you’re looking to make your classroom and lesson plans more culturally inclusive or start a school wide initiative, this course will give you the tools you need to be truly inclusive, culturally responsive, and capable of understanding and reaching all children.

Cultural Diversity in the Digital Classroom – By the end of this course, you’ll have practical, meaningful strategies and ideas to become more culturally responsive in a digital learning environment and help your students feel more included and motivated even when they’re physically far apart. 

16. Helping Special Needs Students Succeed

Students who struggle to learn and have special accommodations require adjustments for teachers, particularly in online classrooms. However, there are methods to make it easier for educators to reach every child. 

Courses to Help Special Needs Students

Communicating with Parents of Students with Special Needs – Using the tools and techniques from this course, you will be able to cultivate a positive, caring relationship with your students’ families and effectively share their progress so you can work together toward their child’s success.

The General Educator's Guide to Special Education – With the strategies and best practices from this course, you will be equipped to better serve students with disabilities regardless of your grade, subject area, or teaching context.

Cultural Competency in Special Education – By the end of this course, you will have the self-reflection and pedagogical skills you need to continually grow and respond to the needs of your special education students.

17. Classroom Management

For me, the concepts I learned in Harry Wong’s The First Days of School changed my classroom for the better. If behavior is a problem, often learning better classroom management techniques can help teachers provide students with more opportunities for success. I know that better classroom management has helped me.

Courses to Help Teachers Improve Classroom Management

A Well-Managed Classroom for 21st-Century Educators – With the tools and techniques from this course, you’ll be able to build a thriving, positive learning environment for your students—and for you. 

Curbing Disruptive Behavior – Using the proven, practical solutions from this course, you will be equipped to take back control of your classroom—starting today.

Classroom Management for Online Learning – By the end of this course, you’ll be able to confidently build and manage an online classroom to maximize learning for all students.

18. Digital Citizenship and Self-Control for Students Using Technology

Appropriate online behavior, online safety, and personal privacy are all topics for students to master as they move to learning that is strongly technology-enhanced. Self-control has also loomed as a vital issue. Digital citizenship topics can help students and teachers get on the same page and create a safer online space.

Digital Citizenship Courses for Educators

Developing 21st – Century Skills in a Digital World – With the knowledge and techniques from this course, you will be equipped to support your students in developing the 21st-century skills they need to succeed in our tech-focused world and workforce. 
K-5 or 6-12

Respect, Educate, and Protect: Cultivating Digital Citizenship in 21st-Century Learners – Using the techniques from this course, you will be able to instill in your students' important 21st-century skills and empower them to use technology in a safe and responsible manner throughout their lives.

Teaching Media Literacy in a Post-Truth World – From the design of the learning environment to expectation setting and more, it’s critical to create an environment in which all students, regardless of their opinions or background, have an opportunity to fairly express their thoughts.

Teacher Leadership and School Health

19. How to Retain Excellent Teachers at Your School

Teachers (and substitute teachers) are becoming scarce. The best schools will retain and attract the best teachers. Administrators and teacher leaders need to understand the techniques to do this and help their school succeed.

Recruiting, Retaining, and Reengaging Excellent Teachers – By investing your time in this course, you will be able to proactively build and keep a great staff for years to come, saving yourself time and headaches down the road. 

20. Effective Instructional Coaching Techniques

Whether online or face-to-face, all of us teachers (me included) can improve. However, instructional coaching can be done in a way that either fosters improvement or resentment. Learning effective instructional coaching techniques is essential for those empowered to help teachers level up their pedagogical approaches.

Creating an Effective Instructional Coaching Program for Your School –  By investing your time in this course, you will be able to proactively build and keep a great staff for years to come, saving yourself time and headaches down the road. 

21. Teacher Leadership and Helping Teacher Cohorts Progress Together

Teachers can create powerful learning communities as they band together to progress and learn with one another. Effective schools create nurturing Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) and use other techniques to help teachers level up and learn together. Learn the techniques and develop plans to help your school improve.

Teacher Leadership and Learning Courses

Teachers as Leaders – With the knowledge and techniques from this course, you will be able to sharpen your leadership skills so you can better serve your colleagues and improve your team, school, and district.

The Seven Domains of Teacher Leadership – By the end of this course, you’ll be equipped to make a meaningful impact on your school’s improvement efforts and create a more equitable learning environment for your students.

Maximizing Teacher Success Through Small Group Collaboration – Using the techniques from this course, you will be able to form and manage productive, growth-oriented groups for better collaboration among your peers. 


Pick A Course and Make Progress

I recently shared how I selected my summer professional development and which course I’ll begin taking in June. I like Advancement Courses because they have practical outcomes and give me six months to complete the work. Remember to use my offer code COOL20 to receive 20% off your course registration.

Let’s do this!

Disclosure of Material Connection: This is a “sponsored blog post.” The company who sponsored it compensated me via cash payment, gift, or something else of value to include a reference to their product. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I believe will be good for my readers and are from companies I can recommend. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

The post 21 Top Professional Development Topics For Teachers Now appeared first on Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis @coolcatteacher helping educators be excellent every day. Meow!

Lumio: Making Review and Practice Easy


From the Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis

Follow @coolcatteacher on Twitter

Lumio has become my go-to exam review tool. I can quickly add review materials, create quick practice problems and work, and give students a way to practice without me. In this blog post, I’ll share how Lumio is a great tool for classroom teachers everywhere, whether you’re reviewing for a tough exam like my Computer Science class or teaching a regular lesson. This tool will make teaching easier for you. Let’s dive in.

This blog post is sponsored by Lumio. All opinions are my own.

First, let’s overview what Lumio does and how it works. You can upload anything you already have in your classroom, every pdf, every electronic document, or the materials you’ve purchased and add to Lumio. When you create the activity, you can make any of it interactive where every student can complete the answers and do the activities. It saves the activities so you can review their work later (goodbye paper worksheets for sure), and you can even add games and activities.

To make it even better, if a student misses class, you can click a button and assign the day’s Lumio for completion at home, including the classwork. Or, after class, if students need more practice (like with my exam), I can assign it with a click so they can practice ahead of time.

So, let’s get started with digging into Lumio.

1. How to get to the site. Lum.io

First, you get to the site by going to Lum.io. You’ll see this is free for teachers. (The free version includes 50MB of lesson storage. The full version includes unlimited storage. In both plans, you get access to all of the features, so it is a perfect time to set up an account and try it out.) You’ll see when you login that you start off by being able to add activities, explore the resources they have, or get some training on how to use this collaborative learning tool.

Lumio start screen

2. Add free manipulatives and lessons to your library first.

So, before you create everything, dig into the manipulatives and lessons already available for you to adapt. In particular, math teachers and elementary teachers will love the manipulatives that you can adapt for your own lessons. 

Lumio has free lessons and manipulatives

When you find a manipulative, slide, or game that you want, it is as simple as adding it to your library. I recommend doing this first so that you can start off with easy-to-use activities without having to work. We have to save time as teachers, and their library of thousands of resources will help you do it.

free manipulatives ini Lumio

What is included in the Lumio library?

  • Manipulatives
  • Fractions
  • Reading and Writing
  • Multiplication
  • Sight Words and Phonics
  • ReadWorks
  • Art and Music
  • Graphic Organizers – the traditional graphic organizers but also sports courts and tools for coaches
  • Classroom motivators (you can add at the beginning of lessons)
  • Instructional Toolkits
  • And more! Including new resources being added regularly

So, the instructional toolkits are some of my favorites for adding to my library. As you can see in the graphic, you have quick exit tickets, self-assessments, speed up games, and more that you can add to your library to easily insert into your lessons.

Activities you can insert into Lumio.

So, definitely, build your library first so you have resources available.

3. Build Your Lessons in Lumio

Now, the fun begins. When you create a lesson, you’ll see that you can add PDFs, PowerPoints, Google Docs, Google Slides, YouTube videos, web links, instructional audio, or SMARTNotebook lessons (and more.) 

In my example, I had my exam review notes in Google Docs. Because Lumio is integrated with Google, us Google users can import Slides and Docs easily.

You can quickly add resources from here, but I like having them in my library already.

You can quickly add resources from here, but I like having them in my library already. 

I opened my lesson with a “shout it out” so students could ask the questions about the exam that they had after reviewing notes. Additionally, remember that every eight minutes or so to add a quick formative assessment to know where students are in the lesson.

You can also easily add other multimedia, including videos from YouTube (with safe search!), web links, images, and even instructional audio to support students and give them a variety of ways to learn and review information.

4. Student Participation and Practice All the Way

As the teachers reading this post will know, we need to ensure that students are learning as the teaching process proceeds. With Lumio we no longer need to wait until the end of the lesson to know what students know. Using formative response and self-grading game-based activities, we can quickly know now.

As you can see in my Semester 2 study guide document as we were reviewing Python Programming concepts, I added handouts that let students work problems on the pages as we went through the review guide. This way, I could look to see what each student did and if they knew how to write the code I wanted to see on the exam.

My Semester 2 review document

I also liked having students review vocabulary using “Flip Out” which is really just a flashcard review more than a game. After they reviewed, then we would play one of the games like Game Show. I liked that I could play Game Show as a class or students could play on their devices in smaller groups for review and practice. In a larger class, I would definitely have students split into 4 person groups.

play review games with content

5. Give more opportunities for practice after the class

When done with the live lesson, when you click the “Share” button, you can share it with other teachers or with students for more practice.

take the lesson and review content in Lumio

I recommend sharing the lesson with students who miss class and also for exam review, so students can practice more on their own. Think of it as a digital handout.

I recommend sharing the lesson with students who miss class and also for exam review, so students can practice more on their own. Think of it as a digital handout.

6. Review the Data

So, while I cannot show the student data from my exam review for privacy reasons, I like that I can go back into the lesson and on each interactive page, I can click “review results” to see what students did and how they performed on the activity. I also am glad that I can give students feedback in real-time or after class to help students learn.

Reviewing for a class exam helps students improve their grades. Reviewing course content requires that students reflect on the content.

El Bojairami and Driscoll (2019) found a positive effect on course content reflections of engineering students. Conrad and Donaldson (2011) observed the power of reflection in other content areas as well.

7. On the Fly Editing

So, this feature I LOVED that isn’t available in similar products. After the first day of review, after reviewing results, I found some things that needed to be added. 

I was able to edit the lesson I was teaching and didn’t lose my student data. I was then able to open the lesson back up the next day and continue with it with the newly added data. Most tools require that you completely get rid of the live lesson in order to edit it. I didn’t have to do that. This is a fantastic feature.

Who will benefit from Lumio?

Every teacher would benefit, but particularly those who have students with devices of some kind. This tool lets you take all of your worksheets digital. However, if you stop there, you’d miss out on the real power and pedagogy of great teaching. Add interactivity, games, student-led work that shows on the board and all of the vast array of manipulatives and graphic organizers. Add in your formative assessment and you’re ready to go. And remember to make sure that you share the lessons with your students afterwards for more practice.

I think Lumio belongs in everyone’s toolkit. So, head to Lum.io to set up your free account today.


Conrad, R. M., & Donaldson, J. A. (2011). Engaging the online learner: Activities and resources for creative instruction (Vol. 38). John Wiley & Sons.

El Bojairami, I., & Driscoll, M. (2019). Exam-Wrappers As a Tool To Enhance Students’ Metacognitive Skills in Machine Element Design Class.

Disclosure of Material Connection: This is a “sponsored blog post.” The company who sponsored it compensated me via a cash payment, gift, or something else of value to include a reference to their product. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I believe will be good for my readers and are from companies I can recommend. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

The post Lumio: Making Review and Practice Easy appeared first on Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis @coolcatteacher helping educators be excellent every day. Meow!

18 Awesome Things I Learned About Google Slides from Eric Curts at #ISTELive


From the Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis

Follow @coolcatteacher on Twitter

I started the day with Eric Curts and “Beyond the Slideshow: Unleashing Student Creativity with Google Slides”. I learned so many things from him today as I started my ISTE Live attendance. 

1. Use Emojis on Google Docs

Look at Eric's awesome handout and see how he used emojis in his headings. This is definitely going to help me make google docs more user-friendly for students and teachers.

Beyond the Slideshow: Google slides Activities for All Subjects – This handout from @ericcurts is beyond amazing. 

Eric Curts Google Docs
Eric Curts' used Emojis in his headings in Google Docs which made a beautiful table of contents.

2-5. The Importance of Audio Feedback on Slides

If students struggle with written feedback, they will thrive with audio feedback. I knew about Read/Write Toolbar for providing feedback but learned about four other ways to provide audio feedback on slides. Eric really likes Mote.

6-10. More Ways to Add Screencasting to Google Slides

Screencasting is such a vital skill for students and an essential part of a teacher's formative assessment toolkit. I've used Screencastify for years but learned about some more tools. Of particular interest is the “Record to Slides” which lets you record and immediately adds it to the slide for you. Since this is something my students struggle with, I'm going to test this with some of them.

  • Adding Videos to Google Slides

11-13. Google Slides for Manipulatives

I learned an essential skill to teach and share with my teachers who use the many Google slides manipulatives. Teach teachers to learn how to maximize space (show in the video below.)

Eric has fantastic resources, I'm not going to copy and paste them all but recommend you look at his resources.

13-16. Stop Motion Tips and Tricks

Stop Motion Animations with Google Slides are a fun way to teach math or science as students create a stop motion “video” with Google slides.  Eric's Blog post on this includes all of his information.

Stop Motion Shortcuts

Oh my goodness! I didn't know about these stop motion shortcuts!

Helpful keyboard shortcuts:

Alt + Left arrow Rotate counterclockwise by 15°
Alt + Right arrow Rotate clockwise by 15°
Alt + Shift + Left arrow Rotate counterclockwise by 1°
Alt + Shift + Right arrow Rotate clockwise by 1°
Arrow keys Nudge up, down, left, or right
Shift + Arrow keys Nudge one pixel at a time
Ctrl + Alt + j Resize smaller
Ctrl + Alt + k Resize larger

Changing the Timing to Run Faster

I had no idea how to do this. So, when you click “Publish to web,” you will see the ending of it that says


This number is the number of milliseconds the slide show delays before showing you the next slide!

Make this number smaller so you can make t go faster. Eric recommended taking the number down to 250. So, when you take it down to 250, it will go much faster. Then, just paste the link or share it wherever you go.

See more on this in his blog post about stop motion.

17-18. Non Branching Slideshows for Formative Assessment

Non-Linear Branching Slideshows – this is done when you make hyperlinks that go to different slides based on what a student clicks.  So, while you can do ebooks and such, I LOVE using this with a formative quiz. I'd never seen this done. Love this idea!

Self-grading, teaching formative quiz. So, you could make a simple formative quiz that prompts students and teaches them as they answer questions.

Other Resources

Dig into Eric’s other resources including Storybooks and ebooks, Video Mashups, Interactive slides with Peardeck, and Non-Linear Branching Slideshows (including Choice Boards.)

The post 18 Awesome Things I Learned About Google Slides from Eric Curts at #ISTELive appeared first on Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis @coolcatteacher helping educators be excellent every day. Meow!

8 Ways to Engage Readers with Readlee’s AI Reading Teacher Support


From the Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis

Follow @coolcatteacher on Twitter

Readlee supports readers as students read into their personal devices. It easily identifies struggling readers, monitors progress, and automates differentiated scaffolding for your readers. Harvard researchers have reviewed how students read, teachers receive actionable data, and provide feedback to students to improve reading. So, here comes Readlee.

Readlee was created by one of the co-founders, a teacher who wanted to use technology to improve student learning. Finally, AI has come to verbal reading support, and my recommended tool is Readlee. This post will explore eight ways that Readlee helps engage readers and improve their abilities. I recommend reading teachers sign up for a free Readlee account today.

First, let’s give an overview of Readlee. Readlee has free accounts for teachers to use in their classrooms. Administrators can purchase licenses for their districts to aggregate reading data across classrooms, schools, and districts to support how students read verbally. Students can have feedback on their reading as well and submit a note if they think Readlee interpreted their reading incorrectly.

Students can read into Readlee and receive feedback.
Students can read into Readlee and receive feedback. They can also give suggestions if students think something wasn't interpreted correctly.

1 - Setting Up Readlee Is Easy for Students and Teachers

So, when you start with Readlee, you can quickly import classes from Google Classroom and Clever or manually create a class. Once you do, you are ready to start giving reading assignments. 

You can quickly give an assignment for reading for your students. (See tutorial video.)

Each assignment is done with a “task card” and can be anything from reading selected text, to a comprehension question (which can be done verbally or in writing), or students can do a “quick read” and read something independently that they have chosen. All of these are supported!

Additionally, there is a continually growing Readlee library you can select from as well. (See tutorial video.) Readlee is for all ages with these lesson plans for high schoolers

students can report incorrect information

Students can click on an item and say if they believe it is incorrect. All of this is viewable by the teacher, who can listen and make the final judgment call.

After a student reads, they can review their results (and suggest a correction if they think the AI transcript “got it wrong.”) Students can go through assignments, get immediate feedback, and advocate for themselves if they feel the AI is mistaken.

This is fantastic and is just a glimpse of things to come with Readlee, I think.

2 - Readlee Gives Actionable Feedback to Students, Teachers and Administrators

While student and teacher views are different (students see just basic data), students can review their results and suggest if they believe something was incorrectly interpreted by the AI. Teachers can see so much more (particularly in the pro version).

I like that the immediate feedback provides much faster feedback to students. Teaching students to look at their results and review them is a game-changer. As I look at using it this fall, I’ll likely let students do the assignment again after seeing their mistakes.

I also like that teachers can so quickly see where the issues are, listen to those and provide feedback.

Likewise, administrators can get a much better picture of student performance in a way that can support teachers. I didn’t know of a quantitative way to have feedback on oral reading until I saw Readlee, and can think of so many ways to use it.

3 - Teachers Can Have AI Insight into Student Reading but Can Still Drill Down Into Details

The summary of information is an excellent overview. You can see the percentage of what has been read (%Read) and the number of words and time, but you can also see the Words Correct Per Minute (WCPM) and align these with grade-level expectations. But I love that it doesn’t stop there because you can drill down to the individual student submission.

Readlee Reading info
Teachers can view task details for each student and also drill down to the individual assignment and hear the work done by students.

Teachers can look at the individual assignment and (in Readlee Pro) get even more advanced analytics for providing feedback and differentiating instructions.

I just love the individual feedback and tracking. Students can read to their teacher anywhere they have their device. This is fantastic.

Readlee includes reading accuracy stats.
Readlee includes reading accuracy stats which can be such a helpful starting point for reading teachers.

4 - Teachers Can Read Samples for Their Students

You can select a task format like a comprehension question or model reading assignment where the teacher reads to demonstrate.

You can select a task format like a comprehension question or model reading assignment where the teacher reads to demonstrate.

As a reading assignment is created, I like that in addition to comprehension questions (which can be responded to via text or talking), teachers can model the reading of the assignment. This is especially important if students encounter names in the text that they may be unfamiliar with pronouncing. Modeling reading can be so helpful, also, for English Language learners. 

Modeling reading is a best practice I recommend for teachers.

5 - Teachers Can Provide Audio and Written Feedback to Students

In addition to written feedback, teachers can also record their feedback so students can listen to correct pronunciations and teacher encouragement. When students struggle with reading, they often struggle with even receiving feedback from teachers, so teacher audio feedback is definitely a best practice. 

Students can read into Readlee and receive feedback.

6 - Teachers Can Upload Content into Readlee for Students to Read

We can add a variety of reading assignments for students.

We can add a variety of reading assignments for students.

Sometimes we have reading assignments based on content for our students. In this case, we can copy and paste text, upload a PDF or even include a web URL. I l also love that students can choose their own reading by doing “Independent reading” into the assignment and still have the powerful transcription and marking tools of Readlee working behind the scenes as the teacher’s AI assistant.

7 - Readlee is Research-Based

As I was testing and reviewing Readlee, I was impressed by the awards but particularly the research behind the tool. (You can sign up to get the whitepaper from their website.)

Readlee is founded on the research about what works in teaching reading.

8 - Readlee can support Vocabulary Learning (in School License only)

As I was preparing to go to press, I found the Vocabulary tasks added on top of reading assignments. Vocabulary is best learned in context! While this feature is only available with a School license, it is worth noting, for sure!

So, I love the new Vocabulary tasks available in Readlee. You can highlight a word (or several) and add information on that word so students can learn in context.

In Conclusion

Whether you need better reading support for summer school or you’re preparing your reading program for this fall, now is the time to sign up for your free Readlee account.

Disclosure of Material Connection: This is a “sponsored blog post.” The company who sponsored it compensated me via a cash payment, gift, or something else of value to include a reference to their product. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I believe will be good for my readers and are from companies I can recommend. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

The post 8 Ways to Engage Readers with Readlee’s AI Reading Teacher Support appeared first on Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis @coolcatteacher helping educators be excellent every day. Meow!

eSpark: The FREE Differentiation Tool for Elementary Reading and Math


From the Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis

Follow @coolcatteacher on Twitter

Do you have students at many grade levels in your classroom? Do you find it hard to differentiate? Do you spend lots of time looking for fun, engaging activities to teach your students? eSpark is a free no-prep solution that teachers of math and reading at the elementary level need to try. eSpark is simple and easy to use. So it is understandable why teachers who use eSpark will find it is an excellent partner in reading and math. eSpark earned Digital Promise’s Research-Based Product Certification in 2021. Sign up now. eSpark is free for teachers, so sign up now.

eSpark’s differentiated Quests are standards-aligned and adaptive to student abilities, reaching every student at their level. (National standards and Tennessee, South Carolina, Georgia, Indiana, Florida, North Carolina, Arizona, Texas, Kentucky, and Virginia now.) I recommend that Math and Language Arts teachers of elementary-aged students check out eSpark. In this blog post, I’ll share my experience and opinion of eSpark and how it can increase student engagement for students of all ability levels to learn.

Many discuss “learning gaps” (a debatable term, yet we teachers see differences between our students and sometimes struggle to meet each unique learner’s needs). Still, I would prefer to use the term “interrupted learning.” This tool helps you reach students at their ability level in both Reading and Math in exciting ways that are student-approved.

See the 7 Key Elements of eSpark’s Theory of Learning to read more about the research and methods used to reach every student in an adapted, unique way.

eSpark differentiated instruction app
eSpark Learning is a fun, free differentiated instruction app for elementary and kindergarten classrooms.

What is a Quest?

Quests are adaptive to the individual student. Whether a student is above or below grade level, the Quest teaches the standard at the student’s level and helps them improve.

Each Quest typically takes 1-2 weeks as students interact with the standard and demonstrate mastery. This completion rate is based on 20-30 minutes in both Reading and Math four times a week. eSpark would be an excellent tool for reinforcing, engaging and fun learning, that reaches every student where they require assistance. ESpark excites students with engaging, adaptive lessons, perfect for an enrichment period or as a class station.

Let’s look further into how eSpark’s Quests work.

How Does the Quest Adapt to Students?

Each Quest is created and aligned with standards; however, the way the Quest launches is the most fascinating to me. First, students based on their abilities using district data (NWEA or STAR data) or the built-in pre-assessment. Either way, the data is received, and the lesson adapts to the student’s ability in that area and helps them advance from there.

Additionally, every time students log in, they complete a mood check-in that is valuable to teachers every day students are in eSpark. Therefore, teachers can adapt the plan for that day if they notice students may need one-on-one time with the teacher due to the mood check-in.

The formative assessment and immediate feedback provide teachers with the data they need to show growth throughout the school year. Using this tool, teachers can see if students are on track for the standards for that school year. Additionally, because each student is met at their level, improvement can be seen throughout the class based on each student’s starting point.

Furthermore, each Quest is analyzed for student engagement and quality content, and eSpark only keeps the best quests for future use. So, as you and your students interact with the site, the site continues to improve as students improve. 

The quests you use will be exciting to students as well as a quality method of teaching the content.

What Is a Quest Structure?

Quests have seven components that work together in different and unique ways for each Quest, making each Quest unique and novel, so students don’t get bored. Each Quest is self-paced and student-focused while aligning with standards.

  1. Pre-Quiz. Each Quest begins with a pre-quiz of 5-10 standards-aligned questions. (Our students all come from different backgrounds. This lets the Quest adapt to the student’s prior knowledge and experience.)
  2. Framing Videos. A quick, exciting video on the topic helps students understand why the topic is applicable to real life.
  3. Instructional Videos. Each question has 2-4 instructional videos that help students clearly understand their learning. Additionally, these videos help students understand the purpose and model the standards that students are learning.
  4. Practice Activities. Throughout the Quest, students will play games, see articles and images, and use graphic organizers designed to capture their interest and aid retention.
  5. Critical Thinking Challenges. Each Quest has at least one critical thinking challenge. Quests will use a variety of prompts. For example, students might categorize, match, or highlight images. These challenges promote higher-order thinking with multiple opportunities to answer questions correctly.
  6. Post-Quiz. These five to ten standards-based questions measure growth from the Quest's beginning to the end in tandem with the pre-quiz. Furthermore, the results of this quiz help determine the next Quest where they will adventure to learn as eSpark adapts to their learning.
  7. Student Explanation of Learning. While this aspect of the Quest is optional, I think it is, perhaps, the most important. Students record themselves talking through the lesson they learned. As they do this, they assume the role of a teacher and demonstrate skill mastery. As teachers know, when you teach something, you remember it. So, in addition to promoting retention, students can receive written feedback from their teacher as they celebrate learning and move to the next Quest.

Why are administrators and leaders using eSpark?

With so many apps out there, administrators want research-based tools that show growth but also offer simplicity. Teacher technostress is real as teachers seek many different apps to help them teach students. However, helping students who have fallen behind or struggle is front of mind for everyone in education. Teachers can use this simple, comprehensive app that adapts to students throughout the year.

eSpark is a strategic tool you can integrate into a school's technology plan to improve student learning and measure growth without adding additional stress on teachers. Targeting learning gaps in ways that students will like and teachers won't have to have increased preparation time is beneficial to many administrators and district leaders and is why many are trialing eSpark. This app doesn't replace teachers (no app can do that) but gives exciting ways to engage students to learn the standards teachers are teaching in the classroom already.

Furthermore, eSpark's partnership with NWEA lets a school or district's teachers automatically differentiate based on MAP Growth Assessment data. Students are then placed at the best level, down to the specific domain, in both Math and ELA.

Disclosure of Material Connection: This is a “sponsored blog post.” The company who sponsored it compensated me via a cash payment, gift, or something else of value to include a reference to their product. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I believe will be good for my readers and are from companies I can recommend. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

The post eSpark: The FREE Differentiation Tool for Elementary Reading and Math appeared first on Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis @coolcatteacher helping educators be excellent every day. Meow!

FREE Webinar: 11 Reasons to Love Lumio


From the Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis

Follow @coolcatteacher on Twitter

Lumio is my go-to exam review tool and it can do so much more. Back in May, I wrote about Lumio and how it makes review and practice easy but now I'd like to share 11 Reasons Why Educators Love Lumio with some fellow educators who are putting Lumio at the center of their instruction. While the webinar will be available on demand after the live session is over, we will be giving away 11 full licenses of Lumio with unlimited lesson storage through the live webinar so you'll want to attend! 

Tuesday, November 15, 2022, 5 pm Eastern

Register to attend the live session (or receive the link after the session is over to review it later.) If you're not familiar with this powerful tool, you'll want to take a look!

What will I learn?

Disclosure of Material Connection: This is a “sponsored blog post.” The company who sponsored it compensated me via a cash payment, gift, or something else of value to include a reference to their product. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I believe will be good for my readers and are from companies I can recommend. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

The post FREE Webinar: 11 Reasons to Love Lumio appeared first on Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis @coolcatteacher helping educators be excellent every day. Meow!

Education Motivation: Create Something Better for Every Child with George Couros


From the Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis

Follow @coolcatteacher on Twitter

George Couros says we need to stop trying to get back to 2019 and to create something new and better for every child. From trust to micromanagement to the importance of relationships, this motivational podcast will encourage teachers and administrators to move forward in hope. George gives some great advice here! 

Dell Black Friday and Year Long Education Deals

Thank you, Dell, for sponsoring today’s show. Access early black Friday deals from now through November 27, 2022. Limited quantities on desktops, gaming laptops, high quality monitors, thunderbolt docks, wireless mice and more.

They have created a special link for readers of this blog and listeners of the 10 Minute Teacher podcast: www.dell.com/epp/coolcatteacher

Did you know that Dell has a cost-free education discount program offered to educators and their friends and family all year long? Check the deals out today at www.dell.com/epp/coolcatteacher and enjoy some awesome new technology this holiday season!

Episode #796 - The 10 Minute Teacher Podcast

Education Motivation: Creating Something Better for Every Child with George Couros

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George Couros - Bio as Submitted

George CourosGeorge is currently an Innovative Teaching, Learning, and Leadership Consultant and speaker and the author of “The Innovator’s Mindset” and “Innovate Inside the Box”  and co-owner of IMPress Books.  I have worked at all school levels, from K-12 as a teacher, technology facilitator, and school and district administrator, and I am currently an Adjunct Instructor with the Graduate School of Education at the University of Pennsylvania. I believe that creating a collaborative environment with all stakeholders will help to ensure that we meet the best needs of all children.

Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/gcouros 

FaceBook – George Couros | Facebook

Website – https://georgecouros.ca/ 

Episode 796 - Transcript with George Couros

00;00;01;09 – 00;00;04;21

John Davis

This is the Ten Minute Teacher podcast with your host Vicki Davis.


00;00;04;29 – 00;00;33;01

Vicki Davis

Today, sponsor is Dell, where Black Friday starts now. Dell has deals for listeners of the show and readers of the Cool Cat Teacher blog going live right now through November 27th of 2022. They have everything from computers, gaming, laptops, or even a slick wireless mouse. So stay tuned at the end of the show to get that link and get your deals on some awesome Dell computers.


Introducing George Couros

00;00;33;02 – 00;00;55;09

Vicki Davis

So today we're talking with my friend Georgia Couros. George is a friend of mine from some time ago. We won't say how long. Right? 


George, he's author of The Innovators Mindset, Innovate Inside the Box. And he has a newer book that's inspiring called Because of a Teacher (Volume 1) and Volume 2


And so, George, you want to tell us a little bit about why you wrote this book?


Why Did You Write “Because of a Teacher?”

00;00;55;13 – 00;01;13;24

George Couros 

Do you remember in 2020, it was like March of 2020. You know, obviously the world shuts down, you know, like at least on North American side, right. That shut down earlier and some other places. But there is that like two or three week period where everybody loved teachers. Like it was like two or three weeks. And I remember thinking I'm like, oh my,


00;01;13;24 – 00;01;32;15

George Couros 

Like, this is the awakening that people are going to really start appreciating teachers because you know, a lot of people had to, you know, teach your kids at home. And how hard it was with one kid and they're like, “Oh my, this is like impossible.” Now doing it and imagine someone, you know, 20, 25 and then, you know, the two weeks is up and then it was kind of, you know, everyone was grumpy.


00;01;32;16 – 00;01;51;27

George Couros 

And so I don't know if you remember that. I'm sure you remember that part. And one of the things I started doing, I think it was in 2021, I wanted to just try something new. I always take these little sabbaticals just to kind of think of some new ideas. 


So I actually started this series called it was just called Three Questions, and it was I had asked people who was a teacher that inspired you, who is an administrator that inspired you?


00;01;51;27 – 00;02;16;16

George Couros 

And what advice would you give to your first year? Teach yourself. And so I actually I always like to model this stuff. So I went first and answer these questions and I couldn't even stick to my own script because I couldn't name a teacher because I had so many great ones. So I actually talked about my kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Stock, my grade three teacher, who's also my music teacher, Mrs. Penrose, and my high school for teacher, who is also my football coach, Calvin Hobbs.


00;02;16;16 – 00;02;42;22

George Couros 

And I talked about their impact on me. And literally within like I think it was 24 to 48 hours. Every one of them found it somehow like somebody knew them connect. It said, Hey, do you know this guy's talking about you? And they all messaged me, some of them commented on the video, some of them messaged me through DM and it's like I was just kind of thinking like, this is really amazing and how these people don't know the impact they had on me and how many people don't hear that impact.


Start of the Innovator’s Mindset Podcast

00;02;43;04 – 00;02;59;08

George Couros 

And so the podcast kind of started there, you know, where I'd ask people these three questions and then just kind of one day I was like, This is actually a really great book. So I contacted some people. It was a Saturday night. I remember it very distinct, distinct a manner. And I said, What do you think about this idea?


00;02;59;08 – 00;03;23;05

George Couros 

So I have basically 15 people who answer, you know, the first question, the first question, there's five of them that who's a teacher who inspired you? The first you know, the other five answer, which admin inspired you? And then we have another five answers whose you know what advice you give to your first or teacher self? 


And it's kind of like this ode to teachers, like just talking about the teachers from our past and really how much of an impact they've had.


00;03;23;05 – 00;03;47;11

George Couros 

But there's some really powerful learning there because you see a consistent theme in the stories, right? Nobody's talking about. Oh, yeah. Like I remember in grade two, that science test like that changed my life, right? Like that. Nobody's talking about that. So there are some really powerful, you know, learning for, you know, educators today. But it was really kind of it's one of those books that you can learn from, but you can also sit and read at the beach and, you know, just kind of wherever you're at and, you know, short stories and just really incredible authors.


00;03;47;11 – 00;04;00;23

George Couros 

And it was interesting because Saturday I had thought of the idea. By Sunday, I had confirmed 59 which which tells you, you know, if people wanted to share those stories and yeah, they're just really inspiring people, sharing through all of the stories and just kind of just kind of cool to actually see.


00;04;01;06 – 00;04;08;27

Vicki Davis

So as you look at those stories, is there any that just jumps out at you like, wow, I wish that teacher had known this is what they meant?


Steve Bollar and His Art Teacher

00;04;09;04 – 00;04;31;08

George Couros 

Yeah. Like there's one Steve Bollar. He goes by @standtallsteve on Instagram. He's wonderful, wonderful man. He talked about basically his art teacher. He is actually a trained art teacher who became an administrator, which is not typically you don't hear that too often. And he talks about this art teacher who basically just advocatee for him the entire time and just kind of thinking about basically it wasn't even just during school.


00;04;31;08 – 00;04;47;14

George Couros 

It was actually after the fact that this teacher is still cheering them on him and connecting and seeing that. And like when you read Steve's story, what I really loved about it is that you kind of realize how when educators have students in their classrooms, they're kind of always their students like they're always kind of cheering for them.


The Problem with Negativity on Social Media

00;04;47;23 – 00;05;03;09

George Couros 

And you see and I'm sure I know you've seen this, too, right? There's some negativity on social media. And I always think about that, that it's kind of weird sometimes when I see educators being negative towards other educators because they should remember that, you know, a lot of the times I hear people like, oh, this person, they're complaining about them.


00;05;03;09 – 00;05;13;28

George Couros 

I'm like, you know, some teacher is actually cheering that kid on right now. Right. Even though they're like 58 years old, they're still cheering them on, wishing for the best for them. And it was just really powerful to see that.


00;05;14;08 – 00;05;34;21

Vicki Davis

You know, there have been so many teachers who've been quitting. And one thing that's frustrated me about social media is it seems that the algorithms favor the negative and not the positive. So there's teachers I've talked to that are like, why does this matter? I am working so hard and I go to, quote, “relax.”


00;05;34;21 – 00;05;47;28

Vicki Davis

You don't get to relax on Twitter anymore or Instagram like we used to, but used to. That's how we chilled that. I go there to, quote, “relax” and I see all this negativity like like we're talking about. What's your message to teachers about why they matter?


Why Teachers Matter

00;05;48;08 – 00;06;11;11

George Couros 

I really try to focus on finding people that uplift. And it's not that I think a lot of times people get mixed up with the notion of negativity and people are challenging like really challenging to elevate to help you get better. And there's two different things. 


It is OK for Teachers Who Hate Teaching to Leave the Profession

And I'm all for I know this might sound kind of weird, but if you're a teacher and you hate teaching, I honestly think that, you know, if you're not in a good place, I think, you know, I don't think it's the worst thing to actually leave the profession.


It is OK to Leave an Old Job and Move to Another One If It Isn’t Good for Who You Are

00;06;11;11 – 00;06;30;28

George Couros 

And I know that's maybe kind of a weird thing to say, but I know that sometimes the best things I've ever done in my education career is not getting a new job. It's actually leaving an old one and saying, like, “this is not good for me, this is not good for who I am.” And, you know, I was blessed to leave one job and then go to another where I was about to quit education.


00;06;31;15 – 00;06;50;20

George Couros 

And actually, you know, I said, “I'll give it one more year.” Had the best leader ever. She totally changed my perspective and she didn't just change my perspective. She also helped me see things in myself that I didn't see and that, you know, you realize how great that is too, right? So I think if you're struggling, that's fine.


00;06;50;20 – 00;07;09;24

George Couros 

And if you want to leave, that's fine. But also, you don't necessarily need the affirmation and make sure that other people dislike the job, too. And I think, you know, there's a lot of people that, you know, we're actually struggling. 


Teachers Who Are Having a Great Experience Should Be Willing to Share It Too!

And it's kind of funny because you say this. I saw a few teachers saying like, “I hate saying this, but I had one of the best years of my career last year” and they're almost felt bad to share that.


00;07;10;06 – 00;07;30;03

George Couros 

And I think for me, one of the things I realized, especially in the last part of the book, is that you have these really accomplished educators talking about their first year teaching. And now these people are superintendents. They're consultants that work with, you know, education systems all over the world. And they talked about how they really struggled when they first started teaching.


Even in Difficult Years You Have a Tremendous Impact on Students

00;07;30;11 – 00;07;53;01

George Couros 

But it was like really fascinating, because what you start to realize is that even in your worst year, right, even in some of the worst years, you have such a tremendous impact that, you know, kids remember you like I you know, I think you're probably the same way as me. You know, like we the things that we know now, we wish we could go back to our first year teaching and apologize to every kid we taught right now, like, what are we doing?


00;07;53;01 – 00;08;07;12

George Couros 

But then like some of those kids still, you know, say to me to this day, like, you're my favorite teacher, I'm like, oh, my, like, if I was your favorite teacher, you must had a pretty low bar, right? Like, you know, because I'm like, I didn't know what the heck I was doing. So it's just kind of a realization.


Word to Administrators: Don’t Tell Teachers to “Remember Their Why” and then Extinguish the Flame

00;08;07;23 – 00;08;26;09

George Couros 

And, you know, I think one of the conversations and I've been talking about this quite a bit is that it's really important, like, you know, this whole you know, I hear people say like, oh, “you remember your why?” And I truly believe that you have to remember why you teach. But, you know, the administrators have been really challenging them is that “do not actually tell teachers to remember their why and get in the way of extinguishing that flame.”


00;08;26;10 – 00;08;37;27

George Couros 

Like you have to like make sure you get as much out of the way of your staff to let them have that impact, let them, you know, make that impact, that they wanted to when they first, you know, wanted to go in the career in the first place.


00;08;37;27 – 00;08;54;16

Vicki Davis

You have to remember your why. But then there's also what are you actually doing every day? It's so easy to get, you know, who's your audience? You know, the years that my audience has been more my admin than my teachers. My students, and my teachers because I work with teachers also. Those are the years of struggle.


When What You’re Doing Doesn’t Line Up With Your Why

00;08;54;16 – 00;09;09;08

Vicki Davis

Not that I don't have great admin, but if I'm spending all this time writing these massive lesson plans and not actually preparing what I'm actually going to do with class, then sometimes it's like, okay, “I know my why, but what I'm doing doesn't line up with my why.”


00;09;09;22 – 00;09;34;23

George Couros 

Right? And that's all I want to do. Percent agree with you and like I really challenged, you know, administrators over time. But sometimes I don't like this, but I know that you want every kid to have an amazing experience. But you also hired people to create that, not to actually script them throughout the entire day. 


The More Administrators Micromanage, the Harder It Can Be For Teachers To Do Their Jobs

And sometimes – and this was my approach when I was an administrator, I realized very quickly, the more you micromanage, the harder it is for you to do your job.


00;09;35;05 – 00;10;02;29

George Couros 

And you just have to build a culture of trust, you know, have a vision, check in on people, make sure they have what they need to be supported. And educators will really do a great job. 


The Problem with “Personalizing” Learning but then Standardizing Assessments

I really struggle and I've been having this conversation quite a bit that we so often talk about personalizing learning, but then we standardize the assessments but actually saying like, hey, like you actually know this kid and maybe that test isn't the best for them because, you know, maybe that they're they're not explaining their understanding of science,


00;10;02;29 – 00;10;28;21

George Couros 

they're trying to write about their understanding of science, which is a totally different skill. And you're not actually assessing the right way. So can we trust the teacher to actually get that information out of the student to actually understand that? 


Trust Is Important in This Profession

And that's where, you know, trust is really important in this profession. And a lot of times the micromanaging that, you know, the endless, you know, initiatives and things like that comes from a place where we don't trust you and that that actually makes things really hard.


00;10;28;21 – 00;10;35;20

George Couros 

And I'm a big believer in the Covey – The Speed of Trust [Book] that the more we trust people to do what they need to do, the easier things are and the faster they get done. Wow.


00;10;35;20 – 00;10;46;17

Vicki Davis

I do hope you are speaking a lot because there's a lot of folks who need to hear that message, George. Yeah. So we've all been through a lot. You know, you've been you've been in education now, what, over 20 years, is that right?


00;10;46;20 – 00;10;50;18

George Couros 

Yeah, plus 20 plus years. I'm at the point where if you ask me, I have to like I.


00;10;51;08 – 00;10;51;12

Vicki Davis



00;10;52;28 – 00;10;54;02

George Couros 

When Did I Start


What Do You Hope Teachers Never Forget?

00;10;54;02 – 00;11;03;25

Vicki Davis

Anyone here. Right. So being through the what we've been through in the last 3 to 4 as well as all the previous, what are the things that you hope teachers will never forget?


Some Kids Thrived with Remote Learning

00;11;03;27 – 00;11;25;19

George Couros 

Look, I think for me, when you when you look at this, too, is that did we actually see some kids thriving, you know, for the first time, right? They do. We actually when some kids went to remote learning, did some of them thrive and actually do well? And you and I have been a big advocates of kids, you know, using technology in meaningful ways, not just using it, you know, like not just having their phones in classrooms.


00;11;25;19 – 00;11;43;13

George Couros 

Because I think there's a disconnect there is that we're just saying, like, let kids do whatever they want. No, no, there's there's opportunity here. And you watched that in basically in March 2020. Some kids for the first time going to remote learning. They actually started to do well because they're actually encouraged to use devices they weren't allowed to have in a classroom two weeks earlier.


Whatever a Kid Needs to Succeed is Where We Need to Start

00;11;43;22 – 00;11;57;12

George Couros 

And so I've been saying this forever, that if you have a child who thrives with paper and pencil and you take that away from them, I'd be just as bothered if you took away a piece of technology. Whatever kid needs to succeed is where we need to start. And I think that to me is a really big, you know, thought.


Sometimes We Learn the Best Lessons from the Hard Stuff

00;11;57;12 – 00;12;22;19

George Couros 

But I think part of it is that the years have been really hard and sometimes we learn the best lessons from the hard stuff and we all like it wasn't like in 2019, everything was just going awesome, right? We are struggling with this too. 


Are We So Eager to Get Back to 2019 or Are We Trying to Create Something New and Better for Every One of Our kids?

And so I've been challenging people and saying like, “Hey, are we so desperately trying to get back to 2019 or are we trying to create something new and better for every one of our kids?”


00;12;22;19 – 00;12;41;01

George Couros 

Are we actually trying to emulate the things that we dreamed of when we first became educators? So, you know, I think it's really important to acknowledge how hard stuff was and, you know, not to dismiss that at all, but also that we ensure that we are focusing on helping every single kid find success in a way that's meaningful to them.


00;12;41;01 – 00;12;54;14

George Couros 

And, you know, maybe challenging some of the things that we do. Like I say this about my own kids, I don't care if my kids go to college. All I care about my kids, my own children is that I help them find success in a way that's meaningful to them. And that could be college. It could be something else.


00;12;54;23 – 00;13;19;06

George Couros 

And is that what we're trying to achieve? Are we helping kids find success in a way that's meaningful to them, or are we trying to get them to do certain things? Are we trying to, you know, say personalize learning by making every kid try to be exactly the same in education? And so I think, you know, more and more people are seeing, you know, some of the challenges that we've had, but also seeing some of the opportunities that we can create something way better for our kids and honestly, for ourselves.


“I Didn’t Go Into Education to Test Kids Every Single Day”

00;13;19;06 – 00;13;22;28

George Couros 

Right. I didn't go into education to test kids every single day.


00;13;22;28 – 00;13;35;20

Vicki Davis

True. So it sounds like it is. I think back to your word for administrators was “trust” as we finish up my last question is, if you could pick one word for educators, teachers right now, what would that word be?


George’s Word for Teachers: Relationships

00;13;36;01 – 00;13;58;17

George Couros 

Yeah, it would it would always be relationships. Right. How we connect with the people that we serve, you know, how we even you know, and I know a lot of teachers out there really are frustrated with their administrators. And I don't get that right. I understand I've been in that situation, too. And I think sometimes your administrators that are there, they're not making necessary decisions that they think are bad.


Teachers Can Coach “Down” and Up: Administrators Need Support and Relationships

00;13;58;17 – 00;14;20;25

George Couros 

They're trying to do what's right. And I think sometimes they just need you know, they need some of that coaching. Like we feel we can only coach down that on the hierarchy of, you know, our, you know, staff ladder or whatever it's called. But I think sometimes, you know, administrators need support, we need checking in. So like relationships go every single way, just like, you know, it's always nice when a student can say, Hey, Mr. Couros, you off a little.


00;14;20;25 – 00;14;38;22

George Couros 

It's a joke, right? Like, I always appreciated that too. And it wasn't like, don't talk to me like this. I would never say that, right? Like it was always kind of a check in. So I think for me, especially when I was doing virtual stuff at the beginning, you know, you don't know what you're doing. And I would just get into the stuff and was way harder.


Build Relationships and Culture

00;14;38;22 – 00;14;59;16

George Couros 

But what I would do and I started to figure out is I would actually spend 50 minutes just kind of getting to know the participants, having conversations, you know, we would do name that tune, have a little fun things and, and then I would only have 45 minutes left, but they were more invested in the 45 minutes because I built that relationship and I'm like, “Oh yeah, this is what I do when I'm in person, right?”


Relationships Are the Starting Point

00;14;59;26 – 00;15;15;25

George Couros 

And so really kind of building that community, building that culture. It's all starts with relationships. And I think a lot of times people just kind of leave it up. They're like, That's the goal of education. No, no, it's the starting point. We build those relationships so that when we challenge the people we serve, they know we got their back.


00;15;15;25 – 00;15;28;16

George Couros 

And I think that's where it's crucial because people are way more likely to take risks if they know they're supported. Right. But if they're not so sure, then they just kind of stick in their box, right? They kind of stick to what they know. And I think that to me, you know, it always goes back to relationships.


00;15;28;16 – 00;15;31;29

George Couros 

How do we connect with people? That's the beginning, not the end. Right.


00;15;32;17 – 00;15;49;24

Vicki Davis

As I always say, you have to relate to educate, but you also have to relate to innovate. Another one of your favorite words, you also have an awesome podcast called Innovator's Mindset Because of a Teacher” stories of the past to inspire the future of education as well as all of his other books. So thank you for coming on the show, George.


00;15;49;24 – 00;16;30;17

Vicki Davis

It's been very inspiring. 


Dell Black Friday

Thank you, Dell, for sponsoring today's show. I'm excited to announce that if you go to www.dell.com/epp/coolcatteacher  you can take advantage of early access. Black Friday deals from Dell going live for November tip through November 27th 2020 to limited quantity deals on desktops, gaming, laptops, high quality monitors, thunderbolt docks, wireless mice and more are available now.


00;16;30;17 – 00;16;50;26

Vicki Davis

And did you know that Dell has a cost free education discount program offered to educators in their friends and family all year long? So check out these deals today at www.dell.com/epp/coolcatteacher  and enjoy some awesome new technology this holiday season.


00;16;50;27 – 00;17;02;19

John Davis

You've been listening to the Ten Minute Teacher podcast. If you like this program, you can find more at coolcatteacher.com. If you wish to see more content by Vicki Davis, you can find her on Facebook and Twitter under @coolcatteacher. Thank you for listening.

Disclosure of Material Connection: This is a “sponsored podcast episode.” The company who sponsored it compensated me via a cash payment, gift, or something else of value to include a reference to their product. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I believe will be good for my readers and are from companies I can recommend. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

The post Education Motivation: Create Something Better for Every Child with George Couros appeared first on Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis @coolcatteacher helping educators be excellent every day. Meow!

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